Sunday, May 14, 2006

Movie review: Poseidon

I saw this movie during the weekend. To sum it up, it is a typical hollywood disaster flick. No surprises there! The first 15 mins are used to set up all the characters in the movie, then comes the inevitable disaster which leaves dead a lot of redundant characters. This sets the stage for the actual characters to show their courage,wit etc. to rescue their near dear ones and then try and save themselves. In the process, some of the main characters die leaving behind a lot of emotion for the others. Finally, in the end the remaining characters do survive.
That sums up the movie. Here are some of the highlights. First of the rogue wave itself, it is awesome! This is one of the best special effects scenes I'm seeing after a long time! This movie is a must see just for this one scene itself! I can't describe it in words, just go & see it yourself. Kurt Russell plays his usual self, sacrificing himself in the end. And of course, there's the hot Emmy Rossum.

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