Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Are you a nerd?

If you think you are a computer geek, nerd, IT savy etc. take this test to find out.
My own score is shown below, which places me in the "Computer high-geek" category !
My computer geek score is greater than 86% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Movie review: 36 China Town

First up, the butler is the murderer. If you still want to see the movie after knowing this then read this review! The movie genre is more of comedy rather than thriller. There is hardly any suspense built up to know who is the killer, rather the entire emphasis is on comedy. There is nothing else to say about this movie. Just shut your mind and see it for timepass. Kareena Kapoor looks hot! And yes, there is Priyanka Chopra in guest appearance.
And for those people who really don't want any spoilers, well I'm warning you here that this review is a spoiler, so don't read it.

Movie review: Poseidon

I saw this movie during the weekend. To sum it up, it is a typical hollywood disaster flick. No surprises there! The first 15 mins are used to set up all the characters in the movie, then comes the inevitable disaster which leaves dead a lot of redundant characters. This sets the stage for the actual characters to show their courage,wit etc. to rescue their near dear ones and then try and save themselves. In the process, some of the main characters die leaving behind a lot of emotion for the others. Finally, in the end the remaining characters do survive.
That sums up the movie. Here are some of the highlights. First of the rogue wave itself, it is awesome! This is one of the best special effects scenes I'm seeing after a long time! This movie is a must see just for this one scene itself! I can't describe it in words, just go & see it yourself. Kurt Russell plays his usual self, sacrificing himself in the end. And of course, there's the hot Emmy Rossum.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Vim 7 released!

After a long wait, Bram Moolenaar has just announced the release of a new version of vim. Some of the new features include spell-checking, intelligent code completion, tab pages, internal grep and many more. Go get it here.
For me, vim is the best text editor on this planet period. All emacs fans can go to hell!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Apple's new switch campaign

This can be regarded as Apple's second attempt to get users to buy a Mac. Only this time, they have far more convincing reasons. For those of you who must go and buy these new Macs, it would be better to hold on a bit longer. Firstly, Intel is supposed to slash prices of core duo processors later this month. The new conroe chips are also on their way! We have yet to see Apple announce their Intel PowerMac equivalent. Then of course, there's Leopard.
Most existing Mac users also may not have bought their new Intel-based cousins, since many of their applications still don't have universal binaries. For them it would make sense to wait a bit longer till all their applications have been ported.